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Busy? Yes! But Are You Good Busy?

Added on February 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: I’ve noticed something lately about the advisors with whom I coach. They no longer tell me they are busy. Why? They have become all too familiar with my response to that statement. “Are you good busy or bad busy?”


Why Obama is 'proud' of this adviser

Added on February 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: President Barack Obama singled out Sheryl Garrett as an adviser who puts clients' interests first in his speech Monday that backed tougher investment-advice standards for brokers who handle retirement plans.

How to Build Client Trust

Added on February 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: As a financial advisor, how do you develop trust with a prospective client and within your organization? We regularly survey our clients and ask: What is the most important thing that makes you stay with us?

Advisors: Six Steps to Creating a Business Development Culture

Added on February 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary:In the majority of advisory firms, the founder is the primary rainmaker.  He or she seems to have this innate ability or magical powers to create rain out of hay.  For far too long they have been the primary source of new business and the entire firm has grown up around them in support of their rainmaker role

7 Tips for a Successful Webinar

Added on February 2015 in Manage Your Practice
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Summary: Nothing replaces a face-to-face meeting, however, a webinar can be an excellent (and very cost-effective) alternative to stay connected with current clients and build new relationships. One of the trickiest parts of the webinar process is to ensure a good turnout.

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