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How Effective Communications Translates to M&A Success

Added on January 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Fortune reports that “M&A activity flourished despite a harrowing election season,” and the numbers prove that while both candidates slammed “big business” on the 2016 campaign trail, corporate boards played “let’s make a deal” in the background.

Slideshow Billion-dollar deals and breakaway surge for RIA M&A

Added on January 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: 2016 proved to be a record-setting year for RIA M&A deals and the pace shows no sign of slowing this year, according to research and consulting firm Echelon Partners.[11 Slides]

Sanctuary Wealth Services To Close Shop

Added on January 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Sanctuary Wealth Services, in a column by its founder and CEO, Jeff Spears, announced it’s in the process of closing shop after nearly eight years of consulting and providing platform services to “breakaway brokers.”

Why the M&A party isn't breaking up — yet

Added on January 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: At first glance, this could be a tall order, considering the highlights of Echelon Partners' RIA M&A DealBook for 2016, which include an all-time high in the number of transactions (138); the second-highest year of breakaway activity (430 moves); the continuing surge in billion dollar deals (42) and a record high for aggregate AUM of acquired RIAs ($144 billion).


M&A Activity Sets New Record High In 2016

Added on January 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: For the fourth straight year, M&A activity in the wealth management industry set a new record high, according to the "RIA M&A DealBook" from Echelon Partners.   

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