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When CPAs and Wealth Managers Come Together

Added on June 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: At first blush, accountants and financial advisors appear to make strange bedfellows. The former are often perceived to be more analytical and the latter, more entrepreneurial. These perceptions aside, many medium to large accounting firms have taken steps to establish or greatly expand their financial services practices.

Misgauging the 'Disruptions' When Firms Merge

Added on June 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Greg Friedman had heard about the benefits a merger would bring to his small practice, things like expanded client services and more revenue.But after his Friedman & Associates joined forces in 2009 with Salient Wealth Management LLC, he was caught off-guard by the dissatisfaction among some of his staffers and clients.

The Next Level

Added on June 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: One recent merger of a financial firm from Connecticut with another from New Jersey, a deal that created a regional presence for both companies, offers a lesson to any smaller advisories looking to expand.

What's your acquisition strategy?

Added on June 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: In wealth management, an increasing number of financial advisers need an exit strategy. The combination of an aging demographic and fewer entrants into the field creates both challenges and opportunities. Acquiring a new business could be the perfect way for younger advisers to catapult their business to the next level. 

How technology affects your firm's value

Added on June 2014 in M&A Issues
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Summary: How much is your firm worth? For advisory firms considering a merger or acquisition, the answer to that question plays a large role in how advisers plan for the future of their businesses. One element that's often overlooked during M&A negotiations is how the technology you use in your firm affects its overall value.

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