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How to earn more when selling your practice

Added on April 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: As retirement nears for aging wirehouse advisers, many are contemplating how they can cash out. And they are bumping into a trend that is sweeping across the industry: independent practices can sell for a higher value than wirehouse practices that are transitioned to other wirehouse advisers. One senior marketing executive at a major custodian calls it an arbitrage among platforms.

4 elements M&A buyers want in a wealth management deal

Added on April 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Acquirers in the wealth management industry these days aren’t looking for sleepy one-person firms but those with specific characteristics.


Seller's Remorse

Added on April 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Many independent advisors will be relying on the greater fool theory to strike a rich deal. Independents know that larger institutions and roll-ups routinely overpay for an advisor’s book of business. The word on the street is that buyers frequently overestimate how much advisors can grow their business.

Surviving and Thriving After a Merger

Added on April 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Mergers and acquisitions are very tricky. Firms spend a great deal of time focusing on the financial deal, but not enough time figuring out “the human element” and how everyone will fit under a new culture. You are clearly caught in this where there wasn’t a defined role, and you are trying to find a place to make a difference.

The next hot M&A target? Solo advisers

Added on March 2017 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Over 60% of RIAs who are considering an M&A transaction over the next five years plan to acquire a solo adviser, and 47% would like to take over a smaller firm's client accounts by buying its book of business, according to a survey of RIAs by FA Insight, a division of TD Ameritrade Institutional.

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