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What RIA Buyers Want to Know About Sellers

Added on February 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary:  Interest in dealmaking remains sky high, but actually closing a transaction is anything but easy. At a breakout session devoted to closing deals at TD Ameritrade's national conference, a trio of prominent buyers of RIA firms discussed what they were looking for when assessing a seller.

Asset Gap: Just How Big Is Focus Financial?

Added on January 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: When a firm in the advisory business refers to assets, it’s widely presumed they mean AUM. Indeed, the SEC has a strict definition of assets under management, which advisory firms must report on their Form ADV.

Breakaways, Banks & Wealth Managers Seen Leading RIA Deals in 2015

Added on January 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Propelled by breakaway brokers, interest from banks and wealth management success, the growth forecast for advisory firms this year is robust, according to one of the industry's leading investment bankers. 

Part 1: How To Position Your Firm As A Strategic Buyer In 2015

Added on January 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: While mergers and acquisitions represent an efficient way for firms to achieve growth, finding a ready partner in 2015 will be challenging. Activity in the M&A market heated up in 2014, with no signs of slowing down over the next 12 months.

Savant's Big Hedge Play: Buying a CPA Firm

Added on January 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Savant Capital Management didn't just buy an accounting firm -- the $4 billion RIA also bought a hedge against future revenue risk, says CEO Brent Brodeski.

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