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How United Capital's unconventional rolling up of a $2 billion RIA reveals how close the roll-up model is to extinction

Added on March 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary:United Capital Financial Advisers has pulled off the biggest, best-valued deal in its history, but one that may just underscore how little gas the old roll-up model has in its tank. The Newport Beach, Calif.-based ex-roll-up-turned-super-ensemble-RIA last week quasi-recruited, quasi-purchased a 23-person, $2 billion AUM team — a team that lost its chemistry with its community bank owner after a big Spanish bank purchased it.

Is there a bubble in RIA prices?

Added on March 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Are RIA prices getting too rich? At least two well-known names in the acquisition business, United Capital and HighTower Advisors, have backed away from buying established registered investment advisers while citing, in part, the high costs of the transactions.

M&A Deals Hinge on Advisors' Talent and Fit

Added on February 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Advisors looking to grow business through M&A must look beyond financials at talent retention and cultural fit, say experts who attended Pershing’s regional symposium Wednesday in New York.

M&A: The Bulls are Back in Town

Added on February 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The world of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) enjoyed a frenetic burst of activity in 2014. Transactions reached $2.8 trillion in the first nine months of the year – a rise of 34 percent on the same period last year and the highest volume during this period since the heady days of 2007.

Financial Technology M&A Deals: Will Advisors Win or Lose?

Added on February 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Will these deals end in great success or in heartache? Advisors have every reason to be skeptical, but we see reasons to be optimistic about these business combinations. Here are our thoughts on each.

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