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Stop Using Revenue Multiples: Better Tools for Valuation

Added on April 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Rules of thumb can be convenient – and dangerous. When at the butcher, it’s good to know that roughly half a pound of meat will feed a person. Using this rule of thumb helps ensure that your dinner guests don’t leave hungry or you don’t waste a few extra dollars per person.

RIAs Dominate M&A Deals for Second Year Running

Added on April 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Registered investment advisors were the leading acquirers in M&A deals in 2014 for the second year in a row, according to Schwab Advisor Services’ semiannual report, released Tuesday.

RIA 2014 Deal Flow Steady

Added on April 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Like in 2013, last year’s M&A market wrapped up the year with 54 deals completed, totalling $47.4 million in assets under management being transferred in the transactions. In 2013, Schwab reported the 54 deals that year consisted of about $43.7 million in assets.

New Deal-Making Service Signals Trend Of Industry "Robofication" In M&A

Added on March 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: A new product combining technology with M&A consulting services for RIAs was recently launched by AmplifyRIA and RIA Match, off the back of advisor demand for an end-to-end solution that would oversee the entire relationship-matching process.RIA Match Concierge Consulting is aimed at RIAs that are looking to buy, sell, merge or add advisors, led by the chief executive and founder of RIA Match, Mary Ann Buchanan, and Kathleen Asack, founder and principal of AmplifyRIA.

To Pick the Right Merger Partner, Pick the Right Consultant

Added on March 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Whether merging practices or acquiring rainmakers, advice firms typically need outside help to find each other and close the deals. Custodians, investment bankers and boutique matchmakers can all add value for advisors. But picking the right consultant is a challenge in itself, since the service is only as good as its network and market intelligence.

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