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The 7 Best M&A Tips Heard at MarketCounsel Summit

Added on December 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Some of the industry's leading executives offered tips and advice to RIA principals during the annual MarketCounsel Summit, which attracted an elite gathering of power players in the independent planning channel.

Grab Your Wallet: RIA Buyers And Sellers Gear Up for Busy 2016

Added on December 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: As reported from the MarketCounsel Summit, buyers and sellers are gearing up for a busy year for deals as private equity buyers come off the sidelines, attracted by the strong-growth business and “strong” valuations.

RIA deal mania and why you should care

Added on December 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The past several months have been fascinating if you are an independent adviser. Three large transactions have been announced that offer some telling signals about where the industry is headed

2X Earnings for Advice-Firm Valuation? Not So Fast

Added on December 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: In the world of advisor-firm acquisition, the rule of thumb — valuing the deal at two times recurring fee revenue — is an inefficient method of getting at the true value of a business, guest-blogger Daniel Zajac argues in Nerd’s Eye View.

M&A Market Trends: What RIA Sellers Need to Know

Added on November 2015 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Thinking of selling an RIA firm? Make sure it's tech-savvy and up to speed on social media, digital platforms and automated investment advice.

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