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RIAs Poised to Remain Most Active Buyers in M&A Deals

Added on March 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Registered investment advisory firms represented 40 percent of the buyers in the 84 M&A deals tracked by Schwab Advisor Services in 2015. That’s up significantly from 2012, when RIAs made up less than 25 percent of buyers, and down slightly from 41 percent in 2014.

Frantic M&A Activity Means Instability for Small-Firm Advisors

Added on March 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The robust pace of mergers and acquisitions in the advisor space is causing many advisors to look for more stable broker-dealers, eFinancialCareers writes. And advisors looking to move to smaller firms this year may want to think twice, according to the publication

Eight Questions RIAs Should Ask Before Doing a Deal

Added on March 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: For owners of a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) practice, making the decision to sell or merge with a larger wealth management firm can be an experience fraught with peril.

Be Like a Fortune 500 Company and Focus on M&A

Added on March 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Advisors looking to build up their practices can make it happen in two ways: organically or by purchasing clients. Although growing organically is typically a cheaper way to secure business, it can take time and a lot of effort. It also involves marketing, which can sometimes be hit or miss.

Tales From the Trenches: Forging Ahead With M&A

Added on March 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Advisors should first thoroughly understand why they are really seeking to team up with another firm, says Kevin J. Meehan, regional president of Wealth Enhancement Group in Itasca, Ill.

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