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Preparing for a Sale: How Advisors Can Maximize the Value of Their Firm

Added on September 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: The ultimate goal for many advisors who own their own firm is to eventually sell their business for a profit. While there are countless ways to increase a firm’s value before a sale in order to receive the most money possible, advisors can maximize the impact of their efforts by focusing on tactics that will increase the business’ growth rates, cash flows and quality of service.

Not so fast big boy: Small RIAs will survive M&A trend

Added on August 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: There is no question that the planning profession is currently experiencing a period of consolidation. Smaller firms are merging to create multi-partner entities, more often than ever before. Larger firms are buying practices that never created a viable succession strategy. At every conference I attend these days, I hear hallway conversations about the advantages of scale.

Latest RIA mega-deal is a tale of two firms

Added on August 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Two well-known wealth management firms with combined assets of nearly $10 billion — one a rising industry power and the other a fallen one — are combining to form yet another RIA mega-firm.

'Ninja buyers' dominating RIA deals

Added on August 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: [Slideshow] A major M&A trend in the RIA market appears to be on the wane — breakaway brokers are accounting for fewer transactions as fewer brokers leave wirehouse to go independent. Nonetheless, RIA mergers and acquisitions through June 30 are on pace to sustain last year's record 130 deals, according to DeVoe & Co.'s RIA Deal Book mid-year review.

Strong M&A market for RIAs propels Focus Financial toward possible IPO

Added on August 2016 in M&A Issues
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Summary: Focus Financial Partners has the wind at its back in the merger and acquisition market as the aggregator of registered investment advisory firms reportedly prepares to go public.

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