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The Math Behind the Move to Independence

From Diamond Consulatants
Added on April 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: I am asked countless times a week by smart and curious advisors about how the economics of going independent compare to the present value of taking a check from a wirehouse or other major brokerage firm (today maxing at 175% cash up front). Figuring that the question is a valid one and that it is on so many people’s minds, here is my answer.

To build a successful practice, start with the future in mind

From OnWallStreet
Added on April 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: One way to build an advisory practice is to re-imagine what the firm will look like in one, three and five years, and plan for those goals.

Big RIAs Now Face Their Own Breakaway Movement

From FA Magazine
Added on April 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: There is some debate as to the official launch of the breakaway advisor movement, when advisors began leaving the shackles of the captive wirehouse environment for the freedom and independence of the RIA community. In order to pinpoint an exact date, we not only need to consider the exodus of advisors, but we also need to consider at what point was there a true RIA industry that advisors could break away to.

Red flags for prospective breakaways

From OnWallStreet
Added on April 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Brokers may have idealistic visions of the benefits of breaking away from their wirehouses to go independent, but they should be extremely cautious before making the move, according to industry executives speaking at a roundtable forum sponsored by Schwab Advisor Services.

Overlapping Regulatory Enforcements Frustrate FAs

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on March 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Financial advice firms resent getting slapped for the same infraction by several regulators, InvestmentNews writes. But the current state of affairs also means companies are less likely to settle, one attorney tells the publication.

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