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Fiduciary Roundtable: Where Is the Industry Heading?

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on March 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The issue of advisors’ fiduciary duty is top-of-mind these days, following announcements by both the Department of Labor and the Securities and Exchange Commission that they plan to move forward with rulemaking efforts requiring advisors to act in the best interests of their clients.

Hackers Trigger Panic, Missteps When Advisors Fail to Plan

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on March 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), Wall Street's self-funded watchdog, in a February report faulted some firms for having shoddy security policies, including their responses after cyber attacks.

Consumer groups accuse SEC of ignoring investors

From InvestmentNews
Added on March 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The Securities and Exchange Commission is not fulfilling its duty to protect retail investors, particularly in how it regulates financial advisers, a number of consumer groups asserted in a letter to the agency.

Throwing Money at Cybersecurity Not the Answer

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on March 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: A lot of RIA firms have, in recent years, spent heavily on new technology to protect themselves against cyber attacks. But sometimes they use more money than sense, a panel of speakers at the Investment Adviser Association's compliance conference said.

RIAs Still Fear FINRA Oversight

From wealthmanagement.com
Added on March 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Despite FINRA backing off a bid to become the regulator for registered investment advisors, some still fear the authority's scrutiny if the Securities and Exchange Commission moves forward with third-party examinations.

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