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Who to Hire When Launching Your Firm

From On Wall Street
Added on June 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: When going independent, should financial advisors really go it completely alone? If hiring full-time advisors and other workers isn't an option at the outset, outsourcing, employing virtual employees and using cloud-based services could be good alternatives.

What to Know About Compliance Before Going Independent

From On Wall Street
Added on June 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Before going independent, financial advisors should make sure make that they know the fine points of the compliance rules and regulations that they will encounter.

The trouble with tech integration for advisers, vendors

From InvestmentNews
Added on June 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The promise of a seamless technology integration in which advisers get up to speed quickly and use all of the software programs and data available to them with ease isn't a reality at most advisory firms. Not yet, at least.

If You Leave, Will Clients Follow?

From On Wall Street
Added on June 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Financial advisors who are thinking about going independent have many issues to consider, from whether an independent environment is right for them, to what kind of independent model best fits their business and how it will affect their work/life balance.

Top Reasons Advisors Strike Out on Their Own

From On Wall Street
Added on June 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: There are many reasons why financial advisors leave big firms such as Merrill Lynch or Wells Fargo and go independent. Two veteran industry recruiters – Howard Diamond, managing director and general counsel of Diamond Consultants of Chester, N.J., and Mark Elzweig, president of Mark Elzweig Co. of New York – discussed some of the top reasons advisors venture forth on their own.

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