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DOL, SEC fiduciary rules may diverge, Mary Jo White tells lawmakers

From InvestmentNews
Added on March 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Securities and Exchange Commission Chairwoman Mary Jo White told lawmakers Tuesday that if the agency proposes a rule to raise retail investment advice standards, it may not mesh perfectly with a separate Labor Department rule that will soon be finalized.

Advisers must brace for DOL fiduciary by ramping up technology plans

From InvestmentNews
Added on March 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The Department of Labor's impending fiduciary rule has prompted advisers to review their strategic plans and weigh the expanded role technology will play in keeping advisory practices in compliance, as well as profitable.

What advisers can expect from an SEC exam

From InvestmentNews
Added on March 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The SEC exam experience has been described by advisers and lawyers who have participated in the process as everything from nerve-wracking to gruesome. The commission's approach over the past few years of focusing on firms that represent the biggest risk to investors has inspectors showing up at adviser offices with a more hostile and assertive style, some say.

Why an SEC Fiduciary Rule May Be 'Unattainable'

From Think Advisor
Added on March 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The Securities and Exchange Commission delivering on a uniform fiduciary rule for brokers and advisors is likely an “unattainable” goal, as the two divisions charged with writing the rule have “different interests” regarding the rule’s outcome and the agency’s commissioners disagree on whether such a rule is necessary, Bob Plaze, a former SEC executive, said Thursday.


The 'Tug of War' Over Cyber/Data Security

From WealthManagement.com
Added on February 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: By now, the awareness to better define and document protection of critical information, strengthen data security procedures as well as integrate incident response plans is well understood at all levels of business. Recent breaches (Target, Disney, OPM) only confirm such and lead to significant legislative and regulatory actions including those recently by FINRA and the SEC.

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