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Expect Close Monitoring During Fiduciary Rule Implementation

From Financial Advisor
Added on April 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Answering critics who claim the Labor Department caved to industry interests in issuing its final fiduciary rule, a top official countered that the new regulations will result in “major reform," while not ruling out additional government action.

The Final DOL Fiduciary Rules at a Glance

From WealthManagement.com
Added on April 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The financial industry is in a tizzy as the Department of Labor released the long-anticipated final version of the new rules addressing conflicts of interest in retirement advice earlier today. Weighing in at over 1,000 pages, the collected documents that make up the new rules are imposing, to say the least. Here’s an overview of the broad strokes.

Warren Strips Firms Opposing DOL Rule As Public Remains Confused

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on April 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., says that Lincoln National, Jackson National Life Insurance Company, Transamerica and Prudential Financial may have broken securities laws in their comments about the coming fiduciary rule from the Department of Labor, ThinkProgress writes.

Fiduciary Rule to Be Announced Wednesday, Sources Confirm

From Finacial Planning
Added on April 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: After years of anticipation, the Labor Department will release its fiduciary rule on Wednesday, sources confirmed Friday.

Fiduciary Rule Expected in 'Early April,' Report Says

From Finacial Planning
Added on March 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The rule, which could have sweeping and unprecedented impacts on the advisory industry, would require planners who advise on retirement assets to place their clients' financial interests before their own.

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