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Changing client records is a recurring problem among breakaway brokers: Finra

From InvestmentNews
Added on June 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Brokers who change phone numbers and email addresses in an attempt to retain clients before leaving their firms is a regular problem that has sparked recent disciplinary action, according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc.

Sheryl Garrett: How DOL Fiduciary Rule Will Rein In 'Gunslingers'

From Think Advisor
Added on June 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: In her soft-spoken way, Sheryl Garrett is a booming voice of the financial services industry. Despite that distinction, President Barack Obama is one of her biggest fans: In his speech last year pushing the Department of Labor to press on with its fiduciary standard rule, he pointed out Garrett by name as an FA who puts the best interests of her clients first. Attending the AARP event, Garrett, at Obama’s request, rose to a round of applause.

Trouble looms for small RIAs in next bear market

From InvestmentNews
Added on June 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Regulatory pressure has been building from the Labor Department's new fiduciary rule, audits being conducted by the Securities and Exchange Commission and a crackdown on anti-money laundering programs. While firms are doing deals to gain scale and add services, RIAs with less than $150 million of assets are particularly vulnerable to a squeeze on profit margins.

How an eclectic trio of RIA custodians are willfully gaining ground with snail-like precision -- Part 2 of 3

From RIABiz
Added on June 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The ideal RIA custodian might have the steel-vault safety-of-assets qualities of Pershing Advisors Solutions, the retail-polished service quality of Schwab Advisor Services, the software swagger of Fidelity Custody & Clearing Solutions, the feistiness of TD Ameritrade Institutional, the purity of RIA purpose of Trust Company of America or Shareholders Service Group and the omnibus trading abilities of a Folio Institutional.

The non-Big Four RIA custodians, no longer runts but stunted in growth, are applying tougher love to hobbyist RIAs

From RIABiz
Added on June 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: In part one of a three-part series, RIABiz examines how seven small custodians -- starting with Trade PMR and Scottrade -- are evolving away from the Utopian model of 100% inclusivity.

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