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Leaving a Wirehouse for Independent RIA Model? What's in it for Clients?

Added on March 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: As the wealth management landscape evolves, we continue to watch a steady stream of top advisors leave the traditional wirehouse space for independent RIA models. Although independence invariably gives these advisors greater freedom, flexibility and control, we also need to ask the question, “What’s in it for their clients?”

How to Get Proactive on Cybersecurity

From Barron's Advisor Center
Added on February 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Cybersecurity regulation is a murky patchwork, so advisors must take it on themselves to proactively work with clients. So writes Wall Street Journal columnist Norb Vonnegut, a wealth manager-turned novelist.

Top Three Things Financial Advisors Can Do to Prepare for Going Independent

From Private Asset Group
Added on February 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Financial advisors choose to go independent for several important reasons: First, the economics of going independent are far superior to all other channels. In addition, independent financial advisors own 100% of the equity in their practices.

The Future of the DOL Fiduciary Rule Could Be Decided This Week

From ThinkAdvisor
Added on February 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Clarity about the future of the Labor Department’s fiduciary rule, which became very blurry last week when President Donald Trump ordered a review by the department, could come soon, but not necessarily from the Labor Department.

Independence Is Not Just for Young Advisors

From WealthManagement.com
Added on February 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: As the industry landscape continues to evolve and traditional brokerage firms become more bureaucratic (especially in a post-DOL rule world), the idea of going independent has become a hot topic among advisors considering change. While many seasoned advisors entertain the thought of having greater freedom, flexibility and control over their business, many believe it’s too late for them to chase that dream.

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