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Protecting Wealthy Clients From Cyber Attack

From Wealthmanagement.com
Added on March 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Meeting objectives requires a family office to hold and transact business involving highly sensitive information about family members, their finances and their venture partners. The same technology on family offices and their clients depend on to communicate instantly and globally makes them compelling targets of criminals worldwide. Protecting client families from financial loss and harm requires family offices to be hands-on about matters their clients may have never taken into account.

Contemplating Independence? Get Back to Basics

From Financial Advisor IQ
Added on March 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Whether you come from an RIA or broker-dealer background, starting your own practice is both exciting and challenging. You’ll find you need to be an expert in all the support services you may have taken for granted when you worked for a larger firm, such as compliance, technology and marketing.

An RIA firm's last-minute pivot after near collapse

From Financial Planning
Added on March 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The past couple of years have been the hardest of my life. My three-year-old solo-RIA almost ground to a halt through client attrition, and only with a complete rebrand with lots of help from fellow advisers and a CPA, is it starting to come back to life. I’ve questioned whether I can effectively run a business and if my emotions, finances and marriage can withstand the struggles of trying to build one.

8 changes required on adviser form ADV updates

From InvestmentNews
Added on March 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summmary: [SLIDESHOW] Advice firms filing their form ADVs after Oct. 1 will need to change certain items to meet new requirements adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission last summer. The additional data will help the SEC focus on examining firms more often that present the greatest risks, said Bridget Farrell, senior counsel in the SEC's division of investment management. She reviewed these items at the Investment Adviser Association Compliance Conference in Washington, D.C.

First State-Mandated Cybersecurity Law Goes Into Effect In New York

From WealthManagement.com
Added on March 2017 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The first state-mandated cybersecurity regulations in the nation went into effect Wednesday in New York State, requiring a wide range of financial services, banks and insurance firms to adopt measures aimed at protecting client data.

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