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A 5-Step Process to Utilize Your Existing Technology: Level 3 - Building Processes Into Your CRM

Added on August 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: So far in this series on CRM technology utilization, we’ve talked about where most people start A 5-Step Process to Utilize Your Existing Technology: Level 1—All in Your Head) and transitioning to defined and consistent checklist based processes (A 5-Step Process to Utilize Your Existing Technology: Level 2—Make a Checklist). Now that you’ve put your processes into the checklist form and gotten buy-in from your user team, it is time to really start leveraging the power of the CRM tool in which you’ve invested.

Brokers' own accounts tip off firms to a move

Added on August 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Brokerage firms may be monitoring their brokers' investment accounts for signs that a broker is about to jump ship. Firms have long monitored brokers' personal trading accounts for signs of suspicious trading activity. But certain behaviors — such as large withdrawals, moving assets into the accounts owned by family members or suddenly liquidating shares in proprietary products — may also suggest that a broker is planning to switch to another firm.

The Business of Breaking Away

Added on August 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The process of going independent can be more time consuming than moving to another wirehouse, due to additional due diligence and logistical execution.  So, it is important to make the journey to independence simpler, more turnkey and less threatening.

YOUR PRACTICE-Long weekends no longer lure job-hopping financial advisers

Added on July 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Headhunters and industry specialists say fewer advisers move on holiday weekends now, in part because a 2004 protocol prevents firms from seeking temporary restraining orders, and also because brokers and firms don't want to interrupt clients while they are enjoying those long breaks..

Fiduciary duty rule: No way out

Added on July 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: With the outlook for passage of a uniform fiduciary duty now bleak, it's astonishing to think the prospects for strengthening investment-advice rules to better protect investors looked so bright four years ago.

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