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SEC exams could cost RIAs thousands or even millions

Added on September 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Investment advisory firms would pay anywhere from a couple thousand to millions of dollars annually in user fees to fund Securities and Exchange Commission exams, if the agency uses that approach to increase its adviser oversight, according to a new study released Wednesday.

No summer break for SEC as agency revs up exam pace

Added on August 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Securities and Exchange Commission examiners haven't slowed down during the dog days of summer, according to compliance consultants who attribute the uptick in the SEC exam pace to the agency's focus on registered investment advisers who have never been examined. At the beginning of the year, the SEC launched a program to target about 1,000 advisers who have been registered for three years or more without being audited. The agency hopes to examine about half of them over the next two years.

Fiduciary Reform Could Come at a Heavy Cost

Added on August 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: In Bob Veres’ latest column in Financial Planning, he says any move to force brokerage representatives to adopt the strict client-first standard of RIA advisors risks getting crushed or watered down by brokerage-backed lobbyists.

Compliance at Financial Services Firms Falls Short

Added on August 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Financial services firms give lip service to the importance of compliance, but the majority fails to devote adequate resources to the function, according to a new survey by Cipperman Compliance Services.The survey found that the compliance function in these firms tended to be underfunded and understaffed.

How to use the cloud securely (because it's not going away)

Added on August 2014 in Form an RIA
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Summary: You can't have a business conversation or attend an industry conference without hearing someone ask "are you in the cloud?" Indeed, servers and disk storage have been evolving frighteningly quickly over the past five years. However, like anything you do for your business, don't do it just to keep pace. Make it a determined decision that means you will either save time, money or both. And if you can add in offering new capabilities for your clients, all the better.

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