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I Survived an SEC Audit

Added on March 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Just over a year ago, I got one of those voicemails that can make an advisor nervous. It was the SEC letting us know that we had three weeks to prepare for an audit.

Does 'Advisor' Spelling Change Your Role?

Added on March 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Does the way you spell “advisor” change your obligation to clients? The question of whether RIAs should describe themselves as “advisers” instead of “advisors,” to show their adherence to the federal Investment Advisers Act of 1940 — and, for that matter, whether Financial Planning should follow suit.

FINRA to Move Cautiously on CARDS Proposal Amid Flood of Comment

Added on February 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: As FINRA moves ahead with a controversial new data-reporting rule, the industry regulator is pledging to proceed cautiously and in close consultation with the industry it oversees, a senior official said.

Are Social-Media Contacts Fair Game for Breakaways?

Added on February 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Advisors who take anything but the most basic client information from one employer to another can get themselves sued. But they may have a bit more leeway with contacts made through social-media outlets like LinkedIn, says The Wall Street Journal.

Can IBDs Hang On to Independent Advisors?

Added on January 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Independent broker-dealers face recruiting and retention challenges, many of which center on hybrid or dually registered RIAs edging toward greater autonomy. A pair of sessions at the FSI OneVoice conference  focused on these issues.

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