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Make Your Client Relationship Personal and Keep It Compliant

Added on September 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Clients look to their financial services professionals as a resource for their financial needs.  Whether it is a broad based conversation about their long-term financial needs, narrowly focused questions regarding their taxes or inquiring about the latest breaking news on CNBC, the financial professional is a trusted source.

8 Issues to Address in Your Advisory Contracts

Added on September 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Investment advisory contracts (and most contracts, in general) are typically long, laborious and full of legalese. Paid-by-the-word attorneys have to pay for their silk ties somehow, right? If drafted properly, however, such contracts can also be immensely helpful in clarifying roles and responsibilities between the advisor and the client, and will hopefully decrease the likelihood of future disputes due to misinterpretations. 

5 New Compliance Headaches for Advisors, BDs

Added on September 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary:Pressures on compliance professionals at advisory firms and broker-dealers continue to mount as the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Obama administration, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and the Department of Labor are gearing up to usher in new requirements.

Indie Firms Grow as Number of On-Staff FAs Increases

Added on September 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Independent financial-advice firms have seen tremendous growth recently — but it appears to be due to bigger advisor headcount at existing firms rather than from new-firm creation, writes InvestmentNews. On-staff FAs now outnumber advisor-owners, but earn only slightly more than two years ago, according to the newspaper.

The makeup of independent advisory firms has fundamentally changed

Added on September 2015 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Growth has changed the nature of the independent advisory firm. Adviser ownership used to define independence; however, today there are more employee advisers in independent firms than owner-advisers. This change amplifies the importance of career tracks and growing talent. It also poses difficult questions to the culture of the firm and its competitive positioning. With the influx of employee advisers, what does “independent” mean?

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