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Is It Time To Fly Solo?

Added on February 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Almost every financial advisor contemplates whether or not to break away from a traditional wirehouse or brokerage firm and establish an independent advisory practice. In this three-part series, we hope to help advisors make the best decision for their business and clients. This first installment reviews the primary concerns about whether independence is right for you: access to client solutions, simplicity in day-to-day business and compensation earned by you, the advisor.

Shift of SEC resources to RIA oversight not likely to stop push for third-party exams

Added on February 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: A move by the Securities and Exchange Commission to beef up oversight of registered investment advisers probably will not stop the agency's effort to establish third-party examiners as well

Five Reasons to Start Your Own Firm and Four Steps to Take to Do It

Added on January 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The inherent beauty of the investment management profession is its applicability to all people. Investing requires a global perspective, and it transcends cultural, social, and economic boundaries.

Growing Organically: The Top RIA Leaders

Added on January 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: It’s not easy being one of the largest RIAs in the country, even with RIA AUM growth outpacing that of wirehouses. Finding the right talent in a small pool of the most qualified advisors is tough — especially when you can’t dangle a name brand like Credit Suisse or J.P. Morgan before them.

From employees to owners: How two advisors redefined their practice—and their lives—by forming an RIA

Added on January 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Before becoming managing partners of Atlanta-based Compass Wealth Management, Robert Amato and Beau Davis knew that no matter how high they climbed in the broker-dealer model, they’d still be working for someone else. They chose another path. They chose to build something all their own by forming an RIA.

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