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Encrypting emails, files for clients is crucial, but not always followed

Added on July 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Encrypting emails and shared files is one of the best bets for securing clients' sensitive information, yet not all advisers are taking the initiative.

17 Questions Answered About the DOL Fiduciary Rule Change

Added on July 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The following questions were raised to us about the new DOL Fiduciary Rule. We cover the DOL Fiduciary Rule in more detail in a previous post, but we thought we'd share. 

Voices Why more advisers want to become RIAs

Added on July 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: In recent months, there's been an upsurge of serious interest from traditional brokers in becoming RIAs – reversing a recent trend.

SEC Investor Advocate Fleming targets fees charged by advisers

Added on July 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: To SEC investor advocate Rick A. Fleming, improved disclosure of fees and expenses charged by financial advisers is a top priority in the new fiscal year, which begins in October.

Another New Regulatory Burden Coming for RIAs

Added on June 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Just when advisors are absorbing the need to implement ERISA-level fiduciary standards for retirement accounts, there is another regulatory challenge coming down the pike.

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