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How I tackled tech when starting a new advisory firm

Added on October 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: I left a great wealth management firm to start my own RIA over six years ago. This was a difficult decision, but I wanted to serve a slightly different market that I thought was underserved — the younger baby boomers and a lot more of my peers (Gen-Xers and some millennials) that fell under the radar of the top wealth management firms.

Attention RIAs: Think the DOL Rule Won't Impact You? Think Again.

Added on October 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: We recently gathered a group of registered investment advisor (RIA) firm leaders and retirement attorneys from a leading law firm for a discussion on how the Department of Labor (DOL) Investment Advice rule impacts RIAs.

SEC Waging Enforcement 'War' on Advisors: Giachetti

Added on October 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: The most important word to advisors these days is fiduciary, according to Tom Giachetti, chairman of the securities practice at Stark & Stark.

5 tips for breaking away

Added on October 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Over time, the pain of staying in a wirehouse environment can outweigh apprehension over the work it takes to leave, two veteran advisers told participants during a Financial Planning webinar covering the challenges of going independent.

Why more advisers are choosing the RIA route

Added on September 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: In recent months, there has been an upsurge of serious interest from traditional brokers in becoming registered investment advisers, reversing a recent trend.

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