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FAs Fear DOL Rule Hampers Young Client Engagement

Added on December 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: As implementation of the new DOL rule nears, advisors are becoming concerned about collateral damage choking relationships with younger professionals and next-generation investors.

Top 10 Reasons NOT to Start Your Own Business

Added on November 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Here are ten reasons why you may NOT want to start your own business. If you are still charged up to become an entrepreneur after reading this list, you may just have what it takes to succeed.

How Advisors Can Best Use Tech for Firm Growth, Profitability

Added on November 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Three technology executives say there are several key ways advisors can use technology to achieve scale and efficiency in their firms, which they shared Thursday during a webinar hosted by ThinkAdvisor and sponsored by Pershing. 

Independence for the "Not That Entrepreneurial" Advisor

Added on November 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Looking to free themselves from limitations they are feeling in the wirehouse world, advisors will typically embark upon an exploration of the independent space since it allows for the highest level of freedom and flexibility. 

A new president and fiduciary: What happens next?

Added on November 2016 in Form an RIA
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Summary: Predictably, experts clash on what the impact of either a Trump or Clinton win will mean for the fiduciary rule before it is slated to go into effect on April 10. Some believe that the presidential election's effect on its implementation could extend far beyond the rule's technical boundaries to Dodd-Frank regulation — as well as to all non-retirement accounts. If that's the case, non-qualified accounts could come in for as profound a revolution as the one currently anticipated for retirement accounts.

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