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Plans and Pricing

RIA Match offers three different levels of plans tailored to varying levels of need. Select the one that best fits your current requirements. You can always change your package at a later date.

Basic Personal Premium
Create your own profile page
View basic member profiles
Send indications of interest to other members
Receive alerts when a profile matches your search criteria
Explore our Knowledge and Insight section
Create and manage your own Match List
Save favorite articles to your own personal library
Purchase solutions in the RIA Match Store
View enhanced member profiles  
Save personal notes in your Match List  
See which other members have viewed your profile    
Cost (monthly) FREE FREE FREE
Register To Select a Plan
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* Paid plans allow you to contact other members anonymously and directly. The number of members you can contact each month depends on which plan you choose. For instance, if you subscribe to the Personal Plan in January and initiate contact with five paying members, you can continue to send each of these members unlimited messages. In February, you can continue to communicate with those original five members plus initiate contact with five other paying members.

You can always upgrade your plan or purchase Booster Packs in the RIA Match Store if you find that you need to contact more members.

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