What is RIA Match?

RIA Match is a website that offers financial advisors solutions for succession planning and growth. The website matches financial advisors with other financial advisors who want to buy, sell, merge or join practices. The advisors and RIAs can search for free and pay to connect anonymously and securely.

Independently owned, RIA Match’s mission is to create an efficient market for advisors and RIAs to partner their practices.  The site is agnostic as to custodial platform or whether a deal gets done. It’s a pure approach designed to serve all advisors, regardless of scale, scope or experience.

Who does RIA Match serve?

  • RIAs looking for a succession plan through adding an advisor to their practice or M&A
  • Advisors looking to join an existing practice or firm.
  • RIAs looking to sell their practice as their path to succession
  • RIAs looking to grow their firm through adding new advisors or M&A
  • Breakaway brokers and hybrid reps looking to join an existing firm or form a new firm
  • NextGen: The next generation of financial advisors looking to enter the industry

How does RIA Match work?

  1. Advisors and firms build their online profile .
  2. They describe their objectives.
  3. They get matched by RIA Match’s proprietary algorithms.
  4. They communicate through RIA Match’s internal email system revealing their identity only if and when they are ready.

For a more extensive answer please go to How it Works.

How is it different?

  • It’s a self- populated data base
  • Where the advisors and firms search for free and pay to connect
  • The advisor's anonymity is protected at all times
  • RIA Match puts the power in the advisor’s hands
  • RIA Match is agnostic as to custodial platform or whether a deal gets done
  • RIA Match creates the playing field; they are not calling the plays and do not benefit from them.

What is success on RIA Match?

Success on RIA Match is making connections that will lead to potential partnerships or new firms to join.

Our goal is to bring advisors the most efficient tools and excellent information so you can make the best decisions for the succession and growth of your firm.


Still have more questions?

Check out our Support Section where we have over 35 quick videos, send us an email at support@riamatch.com or click on the Give Feedback link under the search bar.