Do you aspire to sell, merge, identify a successor or join a new firm?

Are you a buyer or a firm looking to grow inorganically?

Do you have the time or comfort level to facilitate the search yourself? Could you benefit from partnering with industry experts?

Meet RIA Match Concierge Consulting

We empower advisors to realize their professional goals.

We help advisors to crystalize their vision, goals and action plan through a guided personalized experience with skilled consultants to obtain a greater sense of clarity, purpose and confidence.

We enhance advisors’ experience and opportunity.

We provide coordinated access to curated matches and subject matter experts in a highly customized and convenient fashion to increase efficiency and satisfaction of finding your match.

We deliver results.

We execute with precision and focus by leveraging the combination of sophisticated algorithmic technology and industry-expert consultation to increase the probability and satisfaction of your match.

Our Promise

We honor our clients’ anonymity and value their confidence in us above all else. All RIA Match clients, whether subscribing to the platform or engaging with our RIA Match Concierge Consulting, control when and to whom your information is given.

At Your Service
(434) 688-3883

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